Malone Telegram

Malone Telegram

Support Walbridge, Johnston for Malone Town Board

To the editor:

I urge you to get out and vote. Early voting starts on the 26th.

I am supporting Paul Walbridge and Jody Johnston for Town Council. When I was on the Town Board, I worked with Paul for six years. I always found Paul to put the community first, and that is what is important to me.

While Paul was on the board, he chaired the micro-enterprise grant committee. This committee evaluated the businesses applying for funds. Paul was fair to all, not being influenced by “important people,” rather he took into consideration what new business would improve the community. I ask for your vote for Paul Walbridge, Town of Malone councilman.

I am also supporting Jody Johnston for Malone Town Board. When I first ran for this seat, I was running in the caucus against Jody. The vote was a tie. We had to vote again. Jody had been one of my homeroom students at Franklin Academy, so he knew me well. At the second vote of the caucus, he turned around to me and showed me his ballot. He voted for me, thus breaking the tie. He told me that he respected my opinions and knew I had so much experience. Thanks to Jody, I won. I was impressed by his integrity and depth of support for our community.

So many who run “just want to be in charge.” Jody is the type of candidate we want in this messed up political scene, showing dedication to his community, integrity to fellow citizens, and cooperation in our government.

Please vote in this election, and I hope you cast a vote for Jody and one for Paul.

Mary Scharf


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